Breathwork Events

How often do you find yourself holding your breath, or even forgetting to breathe at all, at times when stress takes over? On its most basic level, our breath intake supplies our bodies life giving oxygen and our outward breath is able to eliminate toxins that we hold inside.

Breathwork incorporates conscious breathing that can not only see healing at a cellular level, but also cleanses our energy centres, leaving us energised and calm. Through Breathwork, you will reduce stress and anxiety, something that is so important during these uncertain times.

During the 1hr we spend together, you will discover the benefits of the gentle, extremely effective breathing technique, that can bring both deep healing and life-changing transformation on the deepest mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

This powerful breathing technique removes those unwanted and negative thoughts that no longer serve us and converts them instead into positive, healing and supportive thoughts that bring with them clarity, insight happiness and gratitude on a deep conscious level.

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