Tumblestone – Agate Blue Lace


Tumblestones are produced by “tumbling” rough crystals in grit. As time passes, finer and finer grit is used until the edges of the crystals are smoothed and start to become polished, before ending up beautifully smooth and infinitely tactile.

Due to the tumbling process, each stone will be unique in shape, size and colour.

The perfect crystal for stress relief, the relaxed peace of mind that Blue Lace Agate establishes will go a long way to promoting insightful, authentic and articulate dialogue whilst bringing heaps of positive energy to your world.

Both calming and uplifting, it’s illuminating as much as it is empowering and will gift you with a strong sense of hope, peace and serenity whilst banishing negative emotions.

Whilst Blue Lace Agate is primarily considered a Throat Chakra crystal it is also effective in opening the Chakras from our Heart up through to the Crown, allowing us to receive unconditional love (from the Divine, others and for ourselves), and replaces feelings of fear, anger, anxiety and bitterness with feelings of happiness, and optimism for moving forward in life.

25 in stock

SKU: Tumblestone-agate-bluelace Category:


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