Tumblestone – Tourmaline


Tourmaline is an excellent crystal for absolutely everyone because it’s the’ bodyguard’ of crystals that provides protection, eliminates and cleanses negative energy.

Working in the same way as a sponge soaks up water, Tourmaline soaks up all the negative energy that surrounds it and as a result, is able to prevent unwanted energy from entering your home, mind, body, or spirit. Because of its powerful ability to clear negativity it is also considered to be a key component in everyday cleansing rituals and can help to release any unwanted energy already stored in your energy field.

Tourmaline’s healing properties are also highly grounding, correcting imbalances and blockages to the lower Chakras, along with giving a deeper sense of energetic security, this crystal helps you to feel safe as you move throughout your day.

Tumblestones are produced by “tumbling” rough crystals in grit. As time passes, finer and finer grit is used until the edges of the crystals are smoothed and start to become polished, before ending up beautifully smooth and infinitely tactile.

Due to the tumbling process, each stone will be unique in shape, size and colour.

30 in stock

SKU: Tumblestone-tourmaline Category:


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